
by Super User
on December 12, 2012
Hits: 10170

Call us  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about GeoThermal Systems and how they can save you money! Office (817) 293-1160.

Use the constant temperatures of the earth’s crust to heat and cool your space! No need to burn fossil fuels! Geothermal works on a very simple principle: no matter what the air temperature is outside, under the surface of the earth, the temperature remains constant. Which means that during the summer, the earth is cooler than the outside air, and during the winter, the earth is warmer than the outside air. A geothermal system works like a heat pump but uses the earth’s constant temperatures to maintain the temperatures in your home or office. A geothermal system works by transferring heat into the ground, to depths of 6ft to 200-300ft, to disperse the heat and return it to the surface of the earth a much cooler and comfortable temperature. (alternatively warmer when the air temperature outside drops)

There are four types of geothermal pipe system configurations:
1)    Open Loop – Adjacent to an underground water reserve the water is then used as a heat transfer unit. Water wells are often used in open loop systems.
2)    Pond Loop – Located near a local lake or pond the heat is absorbed away through the cooling waters of the pond or lake.
3)    Horizontal Loop – Used for shallow pipe placement. Pipes extend out horizontally. Systems can be placed as shallow as 6ft in depth restricted areas. Soil as shallow as 6ft can be 20-40 degrees cooler than the air blowing just above it.  Alternatively the soil can be 20-40 degrees warmer in colder weather months.
4)    Vertical Loop – Used as a vertical transfer of heat deep into the earth where the temperatures are on average a constant 67 degrees F. This heat is then dispersed and cool air is brought to the surface. Alternatively when the temperature drops the soil continues to be the same temperature thus heating air that drops below that earth regulated temperature. (Soil temperatures vary slightly by region)

·      Residential
·      Multi-Family Residential/Apartments
·      Office
·      Industrial
·      Schools/Colleges
·      Retail Locations & Malls
New Builds
Imagine the overall savings a large facility can receive by installing a geothermal system. During construction a geothermal system can be an asset to the lifetime energy costs for a new facility. As a responsible builder all of us want to leave a smaller carbon footprint and that can be done with geothermal heating/cooling! Geothermal systems are clean and environmentally friendly. No fuel is consumed giving geothermal systems a huge advantage over gas furnaces.  These systems provide a constant flow of heated/cooled air every day of the year.

30% Federal Tax Credit
In addition to the savings a geothermal system can provide to your energy bill you may also apply for a 30% tax credit through 2016. Federal legislation beginning in 2008 has created opportunities for tax credits on energy efficient sources such as geothermal technologies.
“The Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424) offers a tax credit of 30% to homeowners who install a geothermal (ground source heat pump) system on their property. The property must be residential property within the United States, but does not need to be the primary residence. The 30% tax credit counts toward the heat pump, ground loop, related equipment, and all labor costs including any other plumbing, wiring and/or ducting needed to make the system work. The system must meet or exceed current Energy Star requirements (all our systems are Energy Star), and be placed into service after December 31, 2007. The credit was initially capped at $2,000, but the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 eliminated the cap. Now you can install a geothermal system and take full advantage of the 30% tax credit! This legislation is good for installations placed into service from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2016.”

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